There’s a shark in the bath

There's a shark in the bath


When a family of sharks pop out the plughole, Dulcie must figure out a way to keep them from eating her up! Cue utter silliness and sea creatures.

You can buy the book right HERE!

Hurrah! My first solo picture book!

There’s a Shark in the Bath Cover

For awhile, my little sister was scared to go in swimming pools because she thought there might be sharks in them. So I thought I’d take that fear and turn it into something we can laugh about. And while visiting schools, I noticed that kids love it when I draw things with BIG TEETH. So this is a book for all of you. And sharks are awesome.

Feel free to tweet pictures of your drawings at me! And kids, I'd love to see your handmade books, too! (I’m @jabberworks.)